How does ones determine if ads are successful?  Are Google or Facebook Ads worth it for you?  Do traditional Newspaper ads work for your market?  Here are 4 tips to REALLY track what works for your business!

  • Promo Codes & your Point of Sale System – The simplest way to measure which ads are working is via your POS system. Any time you advertise, set-up a new SKU for tracking purposes. Let’s use a Wednesday sports page ad as an example; let’s say we’re promoting a $50 senior rate. Simply add a new SKU for “Senior Rate Promo” in your POS. Then train your staff to ensure all rounds via the promo are rung in under that SKU.
  • The Facebook Pixel – The Facebook pixel is code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you build targeted audiences to customize for future ads and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website. It works by placing and triggering cookies to track users as they interact with your website and your Facebook ads. This way you know which ads are creating more interest and how to market more of your products to interested buyers.
  • Google Analytics – We want to know more than just when customers visit your site!  How were they directed to your website?  Which pages do they visit the most?  How long did they browse?   You must have Google Analytics set up on your website to be able to track and use these features, setup is pretty easy!  When using segmented marketing campaigns, you can use Google Analytics to track which of your Inbound Marketing efforts were most successful in leading quality business to you!
  • Tracking Phone Numbers – We all know the golf industry lags a bit behind others in terms of technology. In an age when nearly everyone books flights and hotels online, most golf courses still see 80% or more of reservations made via phone. Use Tracking Numbers to track your offline ads. Tracking Phone Numbers are unique toll-free phone numbers that you can add in your marketing. Include a unique tracking phone number associated with a specific ad and determine how many inbound phone calls the ad produced. Tracking Phone Numbers are still available in muti-line packages for less than $50 a month with no contracts and include online software to track the volume of incoming calls.